What do you guys think of the concept of lifestyle design?
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what about stuff like employee benefits and such
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Yagshemash, great success
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In those concepts, they usually don't let you spend time doing the following. Because it's not cool:
- sitting on the couch with a beer watching soccer;
- trolling PUAhate for entertainment;
- Searching for good porn clips on the internet, to jerk off to;
- Just doing absolutely nothing.
All things I like to do, and find very relaxing. If you tell ttem you want to plan time for that in your lifestyle, they kick you out of the programm or try to convince you that it's pathetic to do that.
I hope those websites are parodies and not meant seriously.
People actually pay someone to tell them how to live their lives ?
What is wrong with this world goddammit!
Live your own life for crying out loud!
And if you can't do that, and need someone to tell you what to do, do what people always did: follow a religion, join a monastery or something. But don't join some weird fringe cult.
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i didnt read that site fully
i read some of lefty wrote and thought it was pretty creative, i think you are still resentful from being ripped off by those gurus
imo you can find good help from mentors teachers and the other gurus who are smart and honest, with intentions of helping you
thats how its worked for many people
try reading that book by carl sagan, theres another interesting one by James Randi